UNIONFILL HA filler is a single-phase monophasic filler. UNIONFILL is soft but solid, providing a natural and smooth texture to the area of use without foreign substances. UNIONFILL is a method that minimizes the residual of BDDE to maintain the formulati
Fine lines (Wrinkle and folds)
1ml X 1syringe
HA(24mg/ml), BDDE(<0.2PPM), Lidocaine 0.3%
Deeper lines (Wrinkle and folds)
1ml X 1syringe
HA(24mg/ml), BDDE(<0.2PPM), Lidocaine 0.3%
Volume and facial contouring
1ml X 1syringe
HA(24mg/ml), BDDE(<0.2PPM), Lidocaine 0.3%